Booking Information, Terms & Conditions
Bookings |
Booking is a two-way agreement between us the management and you the guest .
When we confirm your booking, We agree to reserve the booked accomodation for you for the specified number of nights.
In return you agree to pay for the bungalow or bungalows you booked for the specified number of nights. |
Confirmed booking advance payments |
For a confirmed booking in our CRAZY PEAK and HIGH seasons , we require a non-refundable advance Deposit of 50% of the total room charges. |
Deposits |
Deposits must be paid no later than 4 weeks after we give you booking confirmation, and at least 2 weeks before your check-in date. We have a number of payment options, including credit card or local bank cash deposits through the Paypal system, or the more economical Moneybookers system. Direct SWIFT or IBAN transfers to one of our accounts can also be made. We will explain payment options to you by e-mail upon receipt of your firm booking. |
Minimum Booking |
In the CRAZY PEAK season, our minimum booking period is 3 nights |
Low season bookings |
In our LOW season, booking is free but we need you to reconfirm your booking by e-mail, or telephone 3 days before your check-in date, and also give us working contact details how we can reach you, together with your travelling plans and exact arrival time |
Bungalow Rates |
Our bungalow rates are based on 2 or 4 occupants as shown on our rates page. Extra persons can be accommodated at the extra bed rate also shown there. One small child under 4 years old can be accommodated without an extra bed, free of charge. |
Payment at check-in time |
The full balance of our bungalow charges must be paid for in advance at check-in time, either in cash or by credit card (3% surcharge). |
Cooking in bungalows |
Sorry, we don't allow guests to do their own cooking in the bungalows or on the balconies |
Special Requirements |
If you have any special requirements, please discuss them with us. |
Wi-Fi Service |
Wi-Fi is provided as a free service to our customers. Whilst we take all possible care to ensure continuity of service, the internet connection is provided by a third party. We have little control over the quality of service provided by this party, so there may be periods when service is limited or even not available. |
Penny’s by the sea