By The Sea

Bungalow Booking and Enquiry Form

Use this same form both for firm bookings and for enquiries. Complete all fields wherever possible and then press either "Enquiry Only" or "Firm Booking" below.
All the details in this panel must be for the person booking.
Please be sure to complete all items marked * otherwise the form will not work.
*Title & Given Name *Family Name
*Contact E-mail *Re-enter e-mail
*Postal/Zip Code & City *Province & Country
*Nationality *Passport number
Telephone: Main Mobile
Full postal address:number,street,district etc
I will need:    Bungalow[s]
Arrive on: and leave
Expected arrival:
Place of Arrival
Pickup Request
Children (4 to 14 Years)
Infants Under 4 Years
Special comments: (English or German Only Please)

Before you press the book button below, please check this box to confirm that you understand and agree to our   Booking Terms & Conditions

On rare occasions, we might send you an e-mail with news about Penny's new developments or special offers. It won't be often, and we won't pass your address on to any third parties for spamming. If you would prefer not to receive such news, please uncheck this box

Verification Code
Please copy the letters from the box above to the box below to verify your form.
If you have any problems with the form, or if you want something special.
E-mail us directly at . Penny’s bungalow resort tel.: (+66) 39 551122